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Nunnup is approximately 3 h (267.2 km) via State Route 2 drive from Perth. We affectionately called the place Numb-nuts, due to the location, and thinking that we may have been ribbed off, when we booked our accommodation online. However it ended up being a wonderful experience in the wilderness and the accommodation was perfect. The area is known for trout fishing, but sadly we did not menage to purchase any trout.

The Shire of Nannup was founded in 1834. It covers an area of 2,953 square km and embraces the town and localities of Nannup, Donnelly River, Bidelia, Carlotta, Cundinup, Scott River, Lake Jasper, Darradup and Barrabup.

The Shire of Nannup is the second largest Shire in the South West Region with 149 kilometers of sealed and 387 kilometers of unsealed roads.

In general the population of 1262 (2011 census) is spread throughout the Shire district with about half of the population residing in the Nannup townsite. The word “Nannup” comes from the Noongar people (Aboriginals) and interprets as “stopping place”.